
Monday, July 4, 2011

Philippine Science High School 13th Foundation Day (Pisay CMC)

The Philippine Science High School Central Mindanao Campus has just celebrated its 13th foundation day last June 30 to July 1, 2011. PSHS CMC is located in Nangka, Baloi, Lanao del Norte through Republic Act 8469 that was signed on January 19, 1998. 

Foundation day celebration is one of the glorifying days of Pisay students. There are numerous reasons as to why  aside from the fact that it is one way of breaking away from the usual highly competitive and rigid daily academic world of a Philippine Science High School scholar (far from the normal routine of other schools). Let alone the mention of activities to be done during the annual festivity prompts the ignition of blazing excitement to every scholars. 

Moreover, before the yearly foundation, one tradition that co-equally incites frenzy among the freshmen which reminds me of my freshmen days a couple of years ago is the "sorting" thing. It refers to the sorting out of freshmen scholars and laterals (scholars enrolled for second year high school) on which group or league each of them belongs. 

There are four leagues or groups  Pisay CMC has. It is patterned after the Houses of Hogwarts of the famous Harry Potter. The four leagues namely: yellow, Red Dragons, blue and green will compete against each other and only one will become the year's champion.

The Red Dragons brags their heart of fire, brick wall determination, and indestructible bond among its members comparable to a dragon's scale. A dragon's scale overlap neatly where they fit into each other allowing perfect freedom of movement.

The Yellow Flares lays claim on fostering fire in ones enthusiasm commensurable to that of a solid rocket propellants. Yellow Flares members bequeaths motivations and lifts you up during your darkest hour.

The Blue Fawkes prides itself  for having a rare skyrocketing fortitude and perseverance that edge out the rest.

The Green Gryphons (my league) is where the elite belongs. Just like the Gryphon, a known legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Lion is considered the king of the beasts and the eagle as the majestic king of birds. 

The Green Gryphons members flaunt loyalty and courage in the midst of adversities and imparts superiority in the truest sense of goodness.  

Foundation day although exhausting yet it energizes the spirit of all the scholars. These are the days where a true leader can be distinguished, inner sanctum can be seen as competition heats up. This blog is suppose to write my expectations for the foundation day but then, I feel the need to recheck my observations on what need to be corrected (if applicable).

There are activities where some participants are getting so physical that sometimes it leads to unnecessary injury, proper caution and punishment for deliberately hurting opponent should be properly dealt with because Philippine Science High School was envisioned and created for the sole purpose of giving high quality education to exceptionally gifted Filipino children in science and mathematics which is a brainchild of Dr. Leopoldo V. Torralba. It is therefore a MUST to ensure the safety of all scholars during each activities by placing clear cut definition to who should be liable and the level of liability if such unfortunate instance occurs.

Also, it will be a lot nicer if events for the foundation day celebration will be enliven by a motorcade during the opening day. Motorcade should start from the city proper going to Pisay CMC campus as a way of announcing to the public the birth of such a prominent school. As PSHS-CMC way of showing heartfelt care and concern to the community of Baloi,   it will be a heart-warming sight to have a medical mission to be spearheaded by the PTA in cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the area.


  1. May I know if it is true that students are asked to fetch water because your dorm does not have a stable supply of water. Also, how true is it that the dorm manager has favored dormers and those favored dormers can freely roam around the dormitory despite of the no room hopping policy and can stay up until wee hours with the dorm manager's consent and knowledge?

  2. grabe ka biased sa green bai.... green man halus pics

  3. Foundation days should really be implemented to schools to give students from rigorous academic activities.
